Chiu, Ting-Wai / Adjunct Research Fellow


Contact Information



twchiu [at]

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  • Ph. D., University of Utah (1980)


Sam, Svetlana CY. / 886-2-2789-8386

samcy [at]

Research Interest

  • My researches have been in the area of quantum field theory and particle physics
  • My researches have been in the area of quantum field theory and particle physics. Since 1998, I have been working on the exact chiral symmetry on the lattice. In 2003, I proposed the optimal domain-wall fermion (ODWF) which possesses the mathematically maximal chiral symmetry for any finite extent in the fifth dimension. Since 2009, my research group have been working on the dynamical simulations of lattice QCD with ODWF. Since 2019, we have been using many units of Nvidia DGX-V100/A100/H100 GPU server to simulate Nf=2+1+1 lattice QCD with optimal domain-wall quarks at the physical point, on the 64^4 lattices with three lattice spacings, as well as the finite temperature ensembles with the same spatial volumes, for temperatures 130-1540 MeV. Recent physical results from these studies include the topological susceptibility of finite temperature QCD, the hierarchical restoration of chiral symmetries and the emergence of chiral-spin symmetry in high temperature QCD.


  • Research Associate, University of California, Irvine, 1980-1982
  • Associate Professor, Physics Department, National Taiwan University, 1982-1985
  • Professor, Physics Department, National Taiwan University, 1985-2017
  • Visiting Associate, California Institute of Technology, 1987-1988
  • Visiting Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology, 1988-1989
  • Associate Director, Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2009-
  • Adjunct Researcher, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, 2017-
  • Visiting Professor, Physics Department, National Taiwan Normal University, 2017-
  • Honorary Center Scientist, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division, 2023 -


Journal Papers

  • [1]     Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2024, “Symmetries of spatial correlators of light and heavy mesons in high temperature lattice QCD”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 110, 014502. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [2]     Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2023, “Symmetries of meson correlators in high temperature QCD with physical (u/d,s,c) domain-wall quarks”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 107, 114501. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [3]     Yu-Chih Chen, Ting-Wai Chiu*, Tung-Han Hsieh, 2022, “Topological susceptibility in finite temperature QCD with physical (u/d, s, c) domain-wall quarks”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 106, 074501. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [4]     Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2020, “Beauty mesons in Nf=2+1+1+1 lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 102, 034501. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [5]     Yu-Chih Chen, Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2019, “New Nf=2 pseudofermion action for Monte Carlo simulations of a lattice field theory with domain-wall fermions”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 100, 054513. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [6]     Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2019, “Improved study of the beta-function of SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=10 massless domain-wall fermions”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 99, 014507. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 21.7%,24.1%)

  • [7]     Yu-Chih Chen, Ting-Wai Chiu*, 2017, “Lattice QCD with Nf=2+1+1 domain-wall quarks”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 767, 193-198. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 4.3; SCI ranking: 26.1%,15.8%,31%)

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