Ou, Min-Nan / Associate Research Scientist


Contact Information


  • Ph. D., Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University
  • M. S., Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University
  • B. S., Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University


Tseng, Yu-Ping / 886-2-2789-6754

pin [at] phys.sinica.edu.tw

Research Interest

  • Condensed Matter and Low temperature Physics
  • Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
  • Superconductor and magnetic materials
  • Nano Science
  • thermoelectric materials


  • Assistant Research Scientist, Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica
  • Research Specialist, Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica
  • Part time Assistant Professor, National CHENGCHI University, TW
  • Assistant Professor, Soochow University
  • Visiting Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica
  • Research Assistant, Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica


Journal Papers

  • [1]     V.K. Ranganayakulu, Cheng-Lung Chen, Min-Nan Ou, Chih-Hao Lee, Yang-Yuan Chen*, 2022, “Boosting the thermoelectric performance of GeTe via vacancy control and engineering sintering parameters”, Materials Today Communications, 33, 104411-1-104411-7. (SCIE) (IF: 3.383; SCI ranking: 49.1%)

  • [2]     Fan-Yun Chiu, Tsu-Lien Hung, Cheng-Yen Liu, Ya-Hsin Pai, Wei-Liang Chien, Peng-Jen Chen, Ting-Kuo Lee, Ming-Jye Wang, Min-Nan Ou*, Chang C. Tsuei, Maw-Kuen Wu, Chia-Seng Chang, and Yang-Yuan Chen, 2022, “Absence of superconductivity in micrometer-sized ɛ -NbN single crystals”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 105, 174512-1-174512-8. (SCIE) (IF: 4.036; SCI ranking: 38.7%,25.6%,31.9%)

  • [3]     T. L. Hung, C. H. Huang, L. Z. Deng, M. N. Ou, Y. Y. Chen, M. K. Wu, S. Y. Huyan, C. W. Chu, P. J. Chen & T. K. Lee, 2021, “Pressure induced superconductivity in MnSe”, Nature Communications, 12, 5436-1-8. (SCIE) (IF: 14.919; SCI ranking: 5.5%)

  • [4]     Hsiao-Wen Chang, Vankayala Krishna Ranganayakulu, Syu-You Guan, Peng-Jen Chen, Min-Nan Ou, Yang-Yuan Chen, Tien-Ming Chuang, Chia-Seng Chang, Maw-Kuen Wu and Ming-Jye Wang, 2021, “Dense rotational twins in superconducting (111)-orientated δ-NbN epitaxial films on 4H-SiC substrates”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 34, 045019-1-9. (SCIE) (IF: 3.219; SCI ranking: 35.6%,44.9%)

  • [5]     Ranganayakulu K. Vankayala, Tian-Wey Lan, Prakash Parajuli, Fengjiao Liu, Rahul Rao, Shih Hsun Yu, Tsu-Lien Hung, Chih-Hao Lee, Shin-ichiro Yano, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Duc-Long Nguyen, Cheng-Lung Chen, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Min-Nan Ou, Oliver Rancu, Apparao M. Rao, and Yang-Yuan Chen, 2020, “High zT and Its Origin in Sb‐doped GeTe Single Crystals”, ADVANCED SCIENCE, 2020, 2002494. (SCIE) (IF: 16.806; SCI ranking: 7.3%,5.4%,8.4%)

  • [6]     T.-W. Lan, K.-H. Su, C.-C. Chang, C.-L. Chen, C.-L. Chen, M.-N. Ou, D.-Z. Wu, P.M. Wu, C.-Y. Su, M.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Chen, 2020, “Enhancing the figure of merit in thermoelectric materials by adding silicate aerogel”, Materials Today Physics, 13 (2020), 100215. (SCIE) (IF: 9.298; SCI ranking: 12.8%,10.6%)

  • [7]     Shih-Hsun Yu, Tsu Lien Hung, Min-Nan Ou* , Mitch M. C. Chou*, Yang-Yuan Chen*, 2019, “Zero Cu valence and superconductivity in high-quality Cu_{x}Bi_{2}Se_{3} crystal”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 100, 174502. (SCIE) (IF: 4.036; SCI ranking: 38.7%,25.6%,31.9%)

  • [8]     Mohanraman Rajeshkumar, Lan Tian-Wey, Hsiung Te-Chih, Amada Dedi, Lee Ping-Chung, Ou Min-Nan, Chen Yang-Yuan, 2015, “Engineering Nanostructural Routes for Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance: Bulk to Nanoscale”, Frontiers in Chemistry, 3, 1-9. (SCIE) (IF: 5.221; SCI ranking: 29.6%)

  • [9]     P. C. Lee, M. N. Ou, Z. W. Zhong, J. Y. Luo, M. K. Wu, K. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, 2013, “Effect of Grain Boundary on Thermal Conductivity of CuFeSe2 Thin Films”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 51, 166-173. (SCIE) (IF: 3.237; SCI ranking: 33.7%)

  • [10]     Ou M. N., Gofryk K., Baumbach R. E., Stoyko S. S., Thompson J. D., Lawrence J. M., Bauer E. D., Ronning F., Mar A., Chen Y. Y., 2013, “Hole doping effect on superconductivity in Ce(Co1−xRux)In5”, Physical Review B, 88(19), 195134-1-195134-5. (SCIE) (IF: 4.036; SCI ranking: 38.7%,25.6%,31.9%)

  • [11]     Lee P. C., Ou M. N., Luo J. Y., Wu M. K., Chen Y. Y., 2012, “Cross-plane Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity of CuFeSe2 thin film”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1449, 405-408.

  • [12]     Gofryk K., Ronning F., Zhu J.-X., Ou M. N., Tobash P. H., Stoyko S. S., Lu X., Mar A., Park T., Bauer E. D., Thompson J. D., Fisk Z., 2012, “Electronic Tuning and Uniform Superconductivity inCeCoIn5”, Physical Review Letters, 109(18), 186402-1-186402-5. (SCIE) (IF: 9.161; SCI ranking: 8.1%)

  • [13]     Yang C D, Hsu H C, Tseng W Y, Chen H C, Ku H C, Ou M N, Chen Y Y, Hsu Y Y, 2011, “Superconductivity in Sr(Pd1−xNix)2Ge2”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 273, 012089.

  • [14]     M. N. Ou, T. J. Yang, and Y. Y. Chen, 2009, “Anisotropic Magnetism and Magnetoresistance in Iron Nanowire Arrays”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 47, 847-852. (SCIE) (IF: 3.237; SCI ranking: 33.7%)

  • [15]     Ou M. N., Yang T. J., Harutyunyan S. R., Chen Y. Y., Chen C. D., Lai S. J., 2008, “Electrical and thermal transport in single nickel nanowire”, Applied Physics Letters, 92(6), 063101. (SCIE) (IF: 3.791; SCI ranking: 29.4%)

  • [16]     Chen Y. Y., Huang P. H., Ou M. N., Wang C. R., Yao Y. D., Lee T. K., Ho M. Y., Lawrence J. M., Booth C. H., 2007, “Kondo Interactions and Magnetic Correlations inCePt2Nanocrystals”, Physical Review Letters, 98(15), 157206-1-157206-4. (SCIE) (IF: 9.161; SCI ranking: 8.1%)

  • [17]     Ou M.N., Yang T.J., Chen B.J., Chen Y.Y., Ho J.C., 2007, “Superconducting transition parameters in aluminum–lithium alloys (0–10 at.% Li)”, Solid State Communications, 142(8), 421-424. (SCIE) (IF: 1.804; SCI ranking: 72.5%)

  • [18]     Ou M. N., Harutyunyan S. R., Lai S. J., Chen C. D., Yang T. J., Chen Y. Y., 2007, “Thermal and electrical transport properties of a single nickel nanowire”, physica status solidi (b), 244(12), 4512-4517.

  • [19]     Chou H., Sun S.J., Ou M.N., Wu T.C., Kao H.L., Huang G.L., Horng L., Chi C.C., Yan D.C., Hong M.T., Yu Y.C., 2006, “Anisotropic magnetoresistance and magnetic properties in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin film by sputtering”, Thin Solid Films, 515(4), 2567-2572. (SCIE) (IF: 2.183; SCI ranking: 76.2%,69.6%,58.8%,62.3%)

  • [20]     Chou Hsiung, Tsai Min-Hsiung, Ou Min-Nan, Wu Mei-Fang, Hong Meng-Tsong, Sun Shih-Jye, Yu Yueh-Chung, 2005, “Increase in Zero-Field Conductivity and Low-Field Magnetoresistance by Proton Irradiated Defects in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3Films”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44(4A), 1740-1742. (SCIE) (IF: 1.48; SCI ranking: 78.8%)

  • [21]     Wang C.R., Chen Y.Y., Yao Y.D., Lin Y.S., Ou M.N., Taher S.M.A., Hamdeh H.H., Zhang X., Ho J.C., Gruber John B., 2004, “Magnetic and calorimetric studies of antiferromagnetic transitions in erbium sesquisulfide”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 269, 419-422. (SCIE) (IF: 2.993; SCI ranking: 56%,47.8%)

  • [22]     Neeleshwar S., Chen Y.Y., Wang C.R., Ou M.N., Huang P.H., 2004, “Superconductivity in aluminum nanoparticles”, Physica C: Superconductivity, 408-410, 209-210. (SCIE) (IF: 1.241; SCI ranking: 83.8%,82.6%)

  • [23]     C.R. Wang, Y.Y. Chen, S .Neeleshwara, M.N. Ou, J.C. Ho, 2003, “Size effect on magnetic ordering in Ce3Al11”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 329-333, 620-621. (SCIE) (IF: 2.436; SCI ranking: 56.5%)

Chapters in Books

  • [1]     Yang-Yuan Chen, Cheng-Lung Chen, Ping-Chung Lee and Min-Nan Ou, 2011, “Fabrication, Charaterization and Thermal Properties of Nanowires”, editor(s): Abbass A. Hashim, nanowires-fundamental research, pp. 23, Online publish: IntechOpen.


  • [1]     西元年:2020
    研究人員(英):OU, MIN NAN, Ranganayakulu K. Vankayala, Tian‐Wey Lan, Prakash Parajuli, Fengjiao Liu, Rahul Rao, Shih Hsun Yu, Tsu‐Lien Hung, Chih‐Hao Lee, Shin‐ichiro Yano, Cheng‐Rong Hsing, Duc‐Long Nguyen, Cheng‐Lung Chen, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Kuei‐Hsien Chen, Oliver Rancu, Apparao M. Rao, Yang‐Yuan Chen
    研究成果名稱(英):High ZT and its origin in Ge0.92Sb0.08Te single crystals
    簡要記述(中):本所陳洋元研究員、陳正龍博士、歐敏男博士與美國Clemson大學Apparao M Rao教授等人,成功地利用Bridgman長晶法成長出高品質的純碲化鍺(GeTe)及具有銻(Sb)摻雜的碲化鍺單晶。研究團隊發現,摻雜 8% 銻(Sb)的Ge0.92Sb0.08Te單晶材料的熱電優質係數ZT高達“ 2.2 ”。更重要的,藉由觀察到的奈米級缺陷結構、中子散射實驗輔以密度泛函數理論計算及拉曼光譜量測,發現一些在複雜競爭過程中難以被看到的聲子傳遞機制。該研究提供了一種全新角度來研究高效能熱電材料中的熱傳導行為,並揭露高ZT熱電材料中異常熱傳導過程的神秘面紗。完整的研究資料已發表於Advanced Science, Vol. 7, 2002494 (2020),本研究成果被選為當期期刊封面故事。
    簡要記述(英):The teamed up researchers Dr. Yang-Yuan Chen, Dr. Cheng-Lung Chen, Dr. Min-Nan Ou from the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Professor Apparao M Rao from Clemson University, USA has successfully worked on synthesizing of GeTe-based single crystal as well as the study of its thermoelectric properties. The team systematically investigated the effects of Sb doping on GeTe crystals, and enhanced the thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT of Ge0.92Sb0.08Te single crystal to "2.2". According to the observed nanoscale defect structures, neutron scattering experiments, density functional theory calculations, and Raman spectroscopy measurements, some abnormal phonon scattering mechanisms have been discovered. This research provides a new perspective to explore emerging high ZT thermoelectric materials. The complete work has been published recently on Advanced Science, Vol. 7, 2002494 (2020). Meanwhile, this work is selected as the cover story of the current issue.
    Ranganayakulu K. Vankayala, Tian-Wey Lan, Prakash Parajuli, Fengjiao Liu, Rahul Rao, Shih Hsun Yu, Tsu-Lien Hung, Chih-Hao Lee, Shin-ichiro Yano, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Duc-Long Nguyen, Cheng-Lung Chen, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Min-Nan Ou, Oliver Rancu, Apparao M. Rao, and Yang-Yuan Chen, 2020, “High zT and Its Origin in Sb‐doped GeTe Single Crystals”, ADVANCED SCIENCE, 2020, 2002494. (SCIE) (IF: 16.806; SCI ranking: 7.3%,5.4%,8.4%)

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