嚴漢偉 / 研究技師





eric [at] sinica.edu.tw
Eric.Yen [at] twgrid.org



廖慧如 / 886-2-2789-8373





  • [1]     Pei-Yi Lee, Bing-Shen Huang, Shen-Hao Lee, Tsz-Yui Chan, Eric Yen, Tsair- Fwu Lee, I-Chun Cho, 2023, “An investigation into the impact of volumetric rescanning and fractionation treatment on dose homogeneity in liver cancer proton therapy”, Journal of Radiation Research, rrad093, 1-9. (SCIE) (IF: 2.438; SCI ranking: 56.4%,82.9%,67.6%)

  • [2]     Shih, O. and Liao, K.-F. and Yeh, Y.-Q. and Su, C.-J. and Wang, C.-A. and Chang, J.-W. and Wu, W.-R. and Liang, C.-C. and Lin, C.-Y. and Lee, T.-H. and Chang, C.-H. and Chiang, L.-C. and Chang, C.-F. and Liu, D.-G. and Lee, M.-H. and Liu, C.-Y. and Hsu, T.-W. and Mansel, B. and Ho, M.-C. and Shu, C.-Y. and Lee, F. and Yen, E. and Lin, T.-C. and Jeng, U., 2022, “Performance of the new biological small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering beamline 13A at the Taiwan Photon Source”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 55(2), 1-13. (SCIE) (IF: 4.868; SCI ranking: 36.7%,11.5%)

  • [3]     Tsai, Y.-L.; Wu, T.-R*.; Yen, E.; Lin, C.-Y.; Lin, S.C, 2022, “Parallel-Computing Two-Way Grid-Nested Storm Surge Model with a Moving Boundary Scheme and Case Study of the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan”, WATER, 14(4), 547-577. (SCIE, EI) (IF: 3.53; SCI ranking: 53%,35%)

  • [4]     Tsai, Y.-L.; Wu, T.-R.*; Lin, C.-Y.; Lin, S.C.; Yen, E.; Lin, C.-W, 2020, “Discrepancies on Storm Surge Predictions by Parametric Wind Model and Numerical Weather Prediction Model in a Semi-Enclosed Bay: Case Study of Typhoon Haiyan”, WATER, 12(12), 3326-3352. (SCIE, EI) (IF: 3.53; SCI ranking: 53%,35%)

  • [5]     Yen E*, Lin SC, Wu T-R, Tsai Y-L and Chung M-J, 2020, “Knowledge-Building Approach for Tsunami Impact Analysis Aided by Citizen Science”, FRONTIERS OF EARTH SCIENCE, 8:315, 168-179. (SCIE, EI) (IF: 2.273; SCI ranking: 66%)

  • [6]     Kueh, M.-T., Chen, W.-M., Sheng, Y.-F., Lin, S. C., Wu, T.-R., Yen, E., Tsai, Y.-L., and Lin, C.-Y*, 2019, “Impacts of Horizontal Resolution and Air–Sea Flux Parameterization on the Intensity and Structure of simulated Typhoon Haiyan (2013)”, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 19(7), 1509-1539. (SCIE) (IF: 4.58; SCI ranking: 20.7%,31.9%,21.4%)


  • [1]     Sciaba Andrea, Meinhard Helge, Cancio Germán, Gasthuber Martin, Hollowell Christopher, Michelotto Michele, Martelli Edoardo, Muralidharan Servesh, Panzer-Steindel Bernd, Seuster Rolf, Wegner Peter, Yen Eric, Misawa Shigeki, 2019, “Trends in computing technologies and markets: The HEPiX TechWatch WG”, 11 pages, paper presented at 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia: University of Adelaide, Australia, 2019-11-04 ~ 2019-11-08.

  • [2]     Chiang Johannes K., Chiang Yi-Fang, Yen Eric H. W., 2018, “Optimization of Spectrum Auction in 5thGeneration Mobile Networks by the Optimization Algorithm”, 8 pages, paper presented at 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Chongqing, China: IEEE, 2018-10-08 ~ 2018-10-11.

  • [3]     Lin Tzu-Hao, Tsao Yu, Wang Yu-Huang, Yen Eric, Lu Sheng-Shan, 2017, “Computing biodiversity change via a soundscape monitoring network”, 6 pages, paper presented at 2017 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (PNC), Taiwan: Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, 2017-11-07 ~ 2017-11-09.


  • [1]     Yen Eric*, Chiang Johannes, 2018, Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics, 201-212 pages, Germany: Springer Link.


  • [1]     西元年:2010
    研究人員(中):嚴漢偉、李世昌、林誠謙、陳信言、陳文水、李宏德、申俊瑋、陳俊 成、王璽凱、何宜道、陳佑定、孫允斌、翁維瓏
    研究人員(英):YEN, ERIC
    簡要記述(中):1) 降低使用者與 e-Science 應用發展門檻,同時建立以研究流程為基礎的完整分析應用系統,為 e 化科學應用發展之核心。本中心除於前述五大重點領域發展個別研究分析環境外,並建立 Grid Application Platform(GAP) 的共通 e-Science 應用平台,累積 MPI, Portal, 統計分析與 visualization 等各類基礎工具與元件(building blocks),以縮短 e 化科學應用發展時間。
    2) 整合與發展雲端技術:積極與國內業界合作,進行 Cloud OS 首次於大型環境中(800 CPU cores )測試,並發現 scalability 與分散式檔案系統問題,進而調整改善。
    3) Desktop Grid 整合與 Volunteer Computing 發展:與交通大學資訊學院合作,整合 Desktop Grid 資源與 Volunteer Computing 計算模式,發展「找出最少提示數之數獨題目」研究。
    Bor-Shouh Huang, E. Yen and S.C. Lin et al, 2010, “e-Science to Assistant Seismic Observation for Earthquake Research, Monitor and Hazard Reduction Surrounding the South China Sea”, editor(s): Simon C. Lin and Eric Yen, Managed Grids and Cloud Systems in the Asia-Pacific Research Community, pp. 165-178, Springer.

  • [2]     西元年:2006
    研究人員(英):YEN, ERIC

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