[1] Chi-Yee Cheung, 2019, “On the Question of Secret Probability Distributions in Quantum Bit Commitment”, Chinese Journal of Physics, 58, 320-323. (SCIE) (IF: 3.237; SCI ranking: 33.7%)
[2] H.Y. Cheng, C.Y. Cheung, G.L. Lin, Y.C. Lin, T.M. Yan, H.L. Yu, 2016, “Heavy-Flavor-Conserving Hadronic Weak Decays of Heavy Baryons ”, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 03, 028.. (SCIE) (IF: 5.81; SCI ranking: 17.2%)
[3] Chi-Yee Cheung, Chien-Wen Hwang, 2016, “Three symmetry breakings in strong and radiative decays of strange heavy mesons ”, European Physical Journal C, 76, 19. (SCIE) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 27.6%)
[4] Chi-Yee Cheung and Chien-Wen Hwang, 2014, “Strong and Radiative Decays of Heavy Mesons in a Covariant Model”, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2014(04), 177(1-30). (SCIE) (IF: 5.81; SCI ranking: 17.2%)
[5] Z.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheung, 2011, “Shared Quantum Remote Control: Quantum Operation Sharing”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B - ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44, 165508. (SCIE) (IF: 1.917; SCI ranking: 63.6%,67.6%)
[6] W. Wang, Y.M. Liu, Z.J. Zhang, and C.Y. Cheung, 2010, “Splitting a qudit state via Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states of qubits”, Optics Communications, 283 (2010) 628. (SCIE) (IF: 2.31; SCI ranking: 51.5%)
[7] C.Y. Cheung and Z.J. Zhang, 2009, “Criterion for Faithful Teleportation with an Arbitrary Multiparticle Channel”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80, 022327. (SCIE) (IF: 3.14; SCI ranking: 31.3%,27%)
[8] Z.J. Zhan and C.Y. Cheung, 2008, “Minimal Classical Communication and Measurement Complexity for Quantum Information Splitting”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B - ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41, 015503. (SCIE) (IF: 1.917; SCI ranking: 63.6%,67.6%)
[9] C.Y. Cheung, 2007, “Quantum Bit Commitment with Secret Parameters”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, 21, 4271. (SCIE) (IF: 1.219; SCI ranking: 84.4%,84.1%,61.8%)
[11] H. Mineo, S.N. Yang, C.Y. Cheung, and W. Bentz, 2005, “Generalized parton distributions of the nucleon in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model based on the Faddeev approach”, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72, 025202. (SCIE) (IF: 3.296; SCI ranking: 26.3%)
[12] H. Mineo, S.N. Yang, and C.Y. Cheung, 2005, “Generalized parton distributions of the nucleon based on the Faddeev approach to the NJL model”, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 755, 571C. (SCIE) (IF: 1.683; SCI ranking: 63.2%)
[13] Chi-Yee Cheung, Unpublished, “Quantum bit commitment using Wheeler's delayed choice experiment”, arXiv: 1504.05551.
[14] Chi-Yee Cheung, Unpublished, “Unconditionally Secure Bit Commitment by Causally Independent Encryptions”, arXiv:1404.6925.