|| 吳大猷學術基金會 ||
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董事長 吳大猷基金會執行長 吳大猷科學營執行長 吳大猷科學營執行長 論壇引言人
吳成文院士 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士 
- 陽明大學特聘講座教授 
彭宗平 (簡歷)
- 清華大學講座教授
李定國 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院物理研究所特聘研究員兼所長
- 第十三屆吳大猷科學營召集人
孫維新 (簡歷)
- 國立自然科學博物館館長  
- 臺灣大學物理系暨天文物理研究所教授
張善政部長 (簡歷)
- 中華民國科技部部長


Ho-kwang (David) Mao 毛河光 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士
- 美國華盛頓卡內基研究院地球物理實驗室高級研究員
- 2005年巴仁獎Balzan Prize得主
高壓 -- 物理,化學,地學,物質科學的新一維空間
High Pressure – A New Dimension in Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Materials Sciences
Pressure dramatically alters all substances. At each pressure interval, a new set of materials and properties emerges. Since the turn of the millennium, we have finally garnered the full capability of harnessing the pressure dimension of physics, chemistry, Earth and materials sciences. more...
Chi-Chang Kao 高季昌 (簡歷)
- 史丹福大學美國能源部國家加速器實驗室(SLAC)總監
Matter under Extreme Conditions
Understanding the structures, properties and behaviors of matter under extreme conditions is motivated by a wide variety of reasons, ranging from astrophysicists trying to understand the origin of high energy x-rays in the universe, condensed matter and atomic/molecular physicists trying to understand more...
Cheng Chin 金政 (簡歷)
- 美國芝加哥大學物理學系詹姆斯弗蘭克研究所(James Franck Institute)及費米研究所(Enrico Fermi institute)教授
New Physics and Chemistry at Nano-Kelvin Temperatures
Systems of atoms and molecules at ultralow temperatures are rapidly emerging as precise  simulators of generic natural phenomena. In this talk, I will discuss how we approach the absolute zero, as well as a few inspiring cases that shed light on the emerging symmetry in few- and many-body systems, more...
Maw-Kuen Wu 吳茂昆 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院院士、物理研究所特聘研究員
- 東華大學校長
Surprising Properties of Matters in Nano-scale
I shall first give a brief overview of the exciting development in condensed matter physics with matter in the nano-scale, particularly focuses on the recent works carried out by scientists in Taiwan. more...
Shih Chang Lee李世昌 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士、物理研究所特聘研究員
- 發展中世界科學院TWAS院士
Exploring the Universe from the International Space Station
I will first introduce particle physics research and explain to you the fundamental laws of nature as we know it today. Then I will tell you why experiments in particle physics usually generate big data and how we deal with it by distributed computing. more...
Chia-Wei Li 李家維 (簡歷)
- 清華大學生命科學系暨分子與細胞生物研究所教授
- 清華學院院長
- 2006清華特聘教授
Ways to Sense Environmental Signals by Creatures on Earth: A Lesson for Exploring Extraterrestrial Life
Life on Earth with billions years of evolution, tens of millions extant species developed intimate relationships with their living environment. They react to chemical, optical, and magnetic signals in sophisticated ways, more...
Pisin Chen 陳丕燊 (簡歷)
- 臺灣大學物理學系教授
- 梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學研究中心主任
Our Amazing Universe
Two major science revolutions in the 20th century, theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, have drastically changed our understanding of the universe at the very large and the very small, respectively. These are extraordinary accomplishments of human intelligence. more...
Jyhpyng Wang 汪治平 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所研究員
- 臺灣大學物理學系合聘教授
- 中央大學物理學系合聘教授
Principles and Applications of High-Intensity Lasers
Since the invention of laser 50 years ago, there are many great leaps in laser technology. An important line of development is the generation and amplification of ultrashort laser pulses. Immediately following the realization of the ruby laser, the Q-switch technique was demonstrated, more...
- 國立自然科學博物館館長  
- 臺灣大學物理系暨天文物理研究所教授
Search for Other Solar Systems - the Latest Findings in the Study of Exoplanets
Whether extraterrestrial life forms exist or not has always been an intriguing issue for scientists and the general public. One way to explore this issue is to search for exoplanets. more...


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