|| 吳大猷學術基金會 ||
活動公告 課程時間表 講員/講題摘要 學員名單 影像傳真 歷屆科學營活動

李定國 Ting-Kuo Lee (簡歷)
- Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
李羅權 Lou-Chuang Lee (簡歷)
- Minister, National Science Council
- Academician, Academia Sinica
汪治平 Jyhpyng Wang (簡歷)
- Research Fellow, Institute of Atomic and Molecular SciencesChair Professor, National Central University
Principles and applications of high-intensity lasers 強場雷射的原理與應用
Since the invention of laser 50 years ago, there are many great leaps in laser technology. An important line of development is the generation and amplification of ultrashort laser pulses. more...
孫維新 Wei-Hsin Sun (簡歷)
- Professor, Institute of Astrophysics, National Taiwan University
林麗瓊 Li-Chyong Chen (簡歷)  
- Distinguished Research Fellow, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University
Research Opportunities in Nano for Next-generation Energy Applications 能源的挑戰-奈米幫幫忙
As conventional oil and gas supplies are declining rapidly, relying solely on the current energy production methods is not an option.   more...
徐一鴻 Anthony Zee (簡歷)
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Puzzles and challenges facing fundamental physics
I will describe what I regard as some of the major puzzles and challenges we now face in trying to reach a deeper understanding of the physical universe.  more...
徐爵民 Jyuo-Min Shyu (簡歷)
- President, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu
徐聰 Cong Kevin Xu (簡歷)
Senior Scientist
NASA Herschel Science Center
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California, USA
The Infrared Emission of Galaxies
The infrared (IR) emission of galaxies comes primarily from three sources: stars, interstellar gas, and dust. The emission from stars peaks in the near-infrared (NIR: 1-3 microns).  more...
The Herschel Space Telescope -- Exploring the Universe with Infrared Vision
Herschel, an infrared space observatory launched on 14 May 2009, carries the largest (3.5m) and most powerful infrared telescope ever flown in space. A pioneering mission lead by the European Space Agency (ESA) with participations from other countries (including NASA and JAXA), it is studying the origin and evolution of stars and galaxies to help understand how the Universe came to be the way it is today. more...
高季昌 Chi-Chang Kao (簡歷)
- Chair, National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Director, Joint Photon Sciences Institute, Stony Brook University / Brookhaven National Laboratory
21st Century Light Sources and Their Applications
Modern large-scale accelerator-based light sources, in particular synchrotrons such as the Taiwan Photon Source, have enabled major scientific discoveries over the last few decades.  more...
張翔 Xiang Zhang (簡歷)
- 美國柏克萊加州大學教授暨美國國家科學基金會奈米科學與工程中心主任
Metamaterials and Plasmonics: a New Frontier of Science and Technology
Recent theory predicted a new class of meta structures made of engineered sub wavelength entities - meta “atoms” and “molecules” which enable the unprecedented optical properties that do not exist in the nature such as optical magnetism and artificial plasma.  more...
張綿福 Albert M. Chang (簡歷)
- Professor of Physics, Duke University
Physics in One-Dimension: from Superconductivity to Wigner Crystals to Probes of Fractional Charge
In the drive toward miniaturization of devices, we naturally reach new regimes of reduced dimensions, from three to two, to one, to zero dimensions. These reduced dimensions are defined in the context of quantum- mechanics.   more...
陳丕燊 Pisin Chen (簡歷)
- Professor, Department of Physics and Graduate Institute of Astrophysics, National Taiwan University
- C.C. Leung University Chair Professor of Cosmology, National Taiwan University
- Director, Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, NTU
Illuminating the Darkness 於幽暗處覓光明
The past two decades have seen dramatic progress in cosmology, the study of the large scale universe. After the revolutions in physics made in the 20th century,   more...
彭宗平 Tsong P. Perng (簡歷)
- President, Yuan Ze Univerity
劉容生 Yung-Sheng Liu (簡歷)
- Macronixs Chair Professor, Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu
Better life vs Better Earth:  The purpose of science and technology? 科技發展最終的目的:更好的生活 vs 更好的地球?
盧志遠 Chih-Yuan Lu (簡歷)
- President, Macronix International Co., Ltd.
- Chairman & CEO, Ardentec Corporation
- Chairman, IC Industry Committee, CIEE
From Pure Physics to Applied Science & Engineering 由格物致知以致於經世濟人
Physics is the study of nature in order to understand the basics of how the world and universe behave. It maybe the oldest academic disciplines.  more...



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