Chinese Version



Founded in Shanghai, China


Re-established in Taipei, Dr. Ta-You Wu as director


Co-organized the “Physics Research Center” with local universities to promote research


4-story physics building completed, scope of institute expanded considerably


10-story new building completed, number of faculty members reached 40


Physics building complex named after its first director as “Ta-You Hall”


Re-integrated into three groups, formally divided into “Nanoscience Group”, “Complex System Group” and “Medium and High Energy Physics Group”


The idea of AsIoP’s logo was born. The letters I, O, P are drawn with the additive primary colors blue, green, and red, and they are placed in such a way that one can depict G, c, h, k, the 4 fundamental constants which represent classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics


Three research groups were renamed “Quantum Materials Physics”, “Medium and High Energy Physics”, and “Physics of Active and Biological Systems”p>


Under the auspices of Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica and Shui-Chin Lee Foundation for Basic Science, “ASIOP & Shui-Chin Lee Physics Lecture Series” were launched


Establishment of the “Best Research Paper Award for Junior Research Investigators, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica”

Research Personnel

Faculty-Level Researchers
Research Scientists
Research Assistants
Supporting Staff
PhD Students
MS Students

Projects concerning key societal issues

Project to Promote Green-energy Industrial Development - Construction of District-Scale Distributed Li-ion Battery Energy (MWh) Storage System
(Principal Investigator:Dr. Maw-Kuen Wu)

Decarbonize methane to hydrogen
(Principal Investigator:Dr. Yang Yuan Chen)

Building a scalable superconducting quantum computer
(Principal Investigator:Dr. Chii Dong Chen)

Research Achievements

SYNAPSE : an International Roadmap to Large Brain Imaging

published on  Physics Reports, 2023

Evidence for neutrino emission from the nearby active galaxy NGC 1068

published on  SCIENCE, 2022

Electrode nanogap for amyloids molecular trapping & analysis via plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering

published on  Anal. Chem. 2021

Exploring antiquark asymmetry in the proton

published on  Nature, 2021

Magnetotransport studies of Fe vacancy-ordered Fe4+δSe5 nanowires;
Fe-Vacancy-Ordered Fe4Se5: The Insulating Parent Phase of FeSe Superconductor

published on  PNAS, 2020 & Front. Phys., 2020

Spherical microwells regulate the cell cycle arrest of mesenchyme cells and serve as platform for organoid growth

published on  Biofabrication, 2020

Research Facilities

Big Data Analysis and Scientific Computing


Computation has been an integral part of science advances process, along with theory and experiment. The Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC) was established in 2005 to join the World-wide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (WLCG) as one of the eleven Tier-1 centers and the only one in Asia. WLCG has demonstrated to be an enabler of physics programs according to the Higgs particle discovery in 2012. Additionally, WLCG keeps evolving for future computing challenges from new physics. Apart from supporting ATLAS and CMS computing, ASGC provides scientific computing solutions for the challenges from various disciplines in collaboration with research groups, based on WLCG core technologies. Capacity development on the following aspects to enhance scientific discovery are the perpetual goals of ASGC: efficiency optimization, analysis facility, talent, and supporting infrastructure.

Quantum Material Shared Facilities


This shared facilities provide services for quantum material characterization and micro and nano device fabrication. Included in the facility is a Class 6 clean room which houses e-beam writer, laser writer, mask aligner, as well as evaporator and etchers. Characterization systems include Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS), Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), X-ray, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and surface metrology systems.

The Biological and Soft Matter Physics Shared Facilities (BSSF)


BSSF provide essential facilities for research in biological physics and soft matter physics at the Institute of Physics as well as in Academia Sinica. BSSF also serve as a platform for promoting interdisciplinary collaborations and developing new experimental tools for studying biological and soft materials.

Machine Shop


The Machine Shop provides technical support for high precision fabrication and production of mechanical parts required in scientific research. It also organizes short-term training programs to raise the design and production capabilities of students and research assistants.

Helium Liquefier/Purifier


The facilities include: Helium recovery system, purification and liquefaction plants which can be provided high-purity helium gas (>99.999%) and liquid helium of 35 l/h. We offer liquid helium for IOP’s instruments, such as low-temperature STM, PPMS, and SQUID.

Education and Outresearch

Wu Ta-You Memorial Hall


Wu Ta-You Memorial Hall was established in 2001 to commemorate the first director of the Institute of Physics in Taiwan (1962-1976) and the president of Academia Sinica (1983-1994). Dr. Ta-You Wu (1907-2000) was a renowned scholar in contemporary China and an internationally acclaimed physicist, who had an enormous impact on the development of physics in Taiwan and Mainland China.

Taiwan International Graduate Program: Nano Science and Technology Program


This multi-disciplinary educational program was established in 2004 within the Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP), in collaboration with National Taiwan University and National Tsing-Hua University. Currently the program has attracted more than 250 students from twenty-some countries worldwide, pursuing studies in synthesis of new nanomaterials and structures, characterization of nanomaterials and nanostructures, theoretical modeling and calculations, nano-biotechnology, as well as exploration of nanodevices engineering.

The Summer Internship Program


The Institute conducts a summer internship program with funding support to domestic and international university and graduate students. The goals are to provide opportunities to frontier physics research and to inspire them for future research careers. Further information can be found at the Institute website during the March-May application period.

Research Focus

Theoretical Particle Physics, Particle Astrophysics, and Cosmology

(Fedynitch, Anatoli / Li, Hsiang-nan / Ng, Kin-Wang / Wu, Meng-Ru / Yang, Di-Lun / Yuan, Tzu-Chiang)

Theoretical research topics include particle phenomenology, collider physics, heavy ion collisions, neutrino and nuclear astrophysics, high-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays, early universe, and gravitational waves.

Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics

(Chang, Wen-Chen / Chang, Yuan-Hann / Haino, Sadakazu / Hou, Suen / Wang, Song-Ming / Wong, Henry Tsz-King)

  • Strangeness content of proton – LEPS at SPring-8 (Japan)li>
  • Flavor structure of sea quarks in proton – SeaQuest at Fermilab (U.S.)
  • Flavor structure of sea quarks in proton – SeaQuest at Fermilab (U.S.)
  • Chiral symmetry restoration of QCD – E16 at J-PARC (Japan)
  • Search for Higgs and new physics beyond Standard Model – ATLAS at LHC (CERN, Geneva)
  • Search for antimatter and dark matter in space– AMS (International Space Station)
  • Neutrino physics and low-mass dark matter search – TEXONO at Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory (Taiwan)
  • Underground search for dark matter – Jinping Underground Laboratory (China)
  • Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy with KAGRA and LIGO Observatory

Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy

(Chang, Chia-Seng / Chuang, Tien-Ming / Hwang, Ing-Shouh / Hwu, Yeu-Kuang / Su, Wei-Bin / Wen, Yu-Chieh)

To develop and employ various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to explore the quantum phenomena occurred at the nanometer scale in as ultrathin films, nanotubes, nanodevices, and the interfaces of heterostructures as well as solids/liquids.

Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
Microtomography reconstructed image of neurons in mouse brain
Proximity scanning transmission electron microscopy

Quantum Materials Growth and Characterization

(Chen, Yang-Yuan / Ke, Chung-Ting / Lee, Shang-Fan / Lin, Hsin / Wu, Maw-Kuen)

Using theoretical and experimental methods to study quantum materials exhibiting novel phenomena as a result of strong electronic correlation and spin-orbit coupling; for example, heavy fermion physics, thermoelectric effect, the mechanism of high Tc superconductors, topological superconductivity and topological materials systems.

Prediction of Kramers-Weyl Fermions by DFT
The Insulating Parent Phase of FeSe Superconductivity
N type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3
Two dimensional antiferromagnet shows anisotropic exciton photoluminescence
Oxide Molecular Beam epitaxy facility
New Quantum material development and single crystal growth

Qubit Physics and Quantum Phenomena in Nanostructures

(Chen, Chii-Dong / Hsu, Chen-Hsuan / Lee, Wei-Li / Yip, Sungkit)

To fabricate nanostructures and investigate their quantum phenomena, including electric transport, magnetism, optical properties and etc. as well as to build a practical quantum computer with traditional superconducting junctions.

h-BN/graphene/h-BN quantum Hall device
Ramsey fringe plot of a superconducting qubit
Quantum Phenomena in Nanostructures
Nonlocal Weyl-orbit quantum oscillations

Theories, Modeling and Simulations

(Chen, Yeng-Long / Hiraiwa, Tetsuya / Leung, Kwan-Tai / Shih, Hong-Yan)

Theoretical models and methods are developed to study the structure-dynamics relations in cellular fluids; dynamic self-organizing processes in chromatin, cytoskeleton, cells and tissues; bacterial motility, spreading of infectious diseases; non-equilibrium complex systems in biology, evolutionary ecology and turbulence.

flow-induced “waltzing” of red blood cells in simple shear flow
chromatin organization and migrating cells
non-equilibrium statistical model for phase transition in turbulence

Physical Biology

(Chou, Chia-Fu / Guo, Chin-Lin / Lin, Keng-Hui)

The main research topics include using nano/microdevices to study biophysics of bacteria, biosensing and tissue engineering application, quantitative pattern recognition on the physiology and pathology of living systems, the effect of dimensionality on cellular behaviors and how cells utilize force to perform biological functions.

Silk-worm like autopilot single jet electrospinning for 3D tissue engineering scaffolds
moving epithelia cells shows changes in microtubule orientation in wound healing
collective cell migration during wound healing on the zebrafish tailfin

Soft Matter and Granular Materials

(To, Kiwing / Tsai, Jih-Chiang)

In soft matter and granular materials, we combine the knowledge and techniques from rheology, solid and fluid mechanics and non-equilibrium statistics, to deepen our understanding of the generic principles behind complex phenomena.

physics of the gelation of Ai-Yu
movement of elongated grains in silo with rotating bottom
experimental study of intermittency and transitions of packed grains