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吳大猷基金會董事長 吳大猷基金會執行長 吳大猷科學營執行長
吳成文院士 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士 
- 陽明大學特聘講座教授 
彭宗平 (簡歷)
- 清華大學講座教授
孫維新 (簡歷)
- 國立自然科學博物館館長  
- 臺灣大學物理系暨天文物理研究所教授


Mu-Ming Poo 蒲慕明 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士
- 美國國家科學院院士
- 中國科學院外籍院士
Neural Plasticity: From Synapse to Perception.
The cognitive functions of the brain, such as learning and memory, depend on the ability of neural circuits to change their properties of signal processing after these circuits have been used by the organism. Many of these use-dependent changes (“plasticity”) occur at synapses, where signals are transmitted between nerve cells (neurons). more...
Stephen Crain (簡歷)
- 澳洲麥考瑞大學Macquarie University特聘教授
- 澳洲麥考瑞大學Macquarie University認知與認知障礙研究中心主任
- 澳洲麥考瑞大學Macquarie University首席科學家
Investigations in Child Language.
Advances in our understanding of the nature of human languages have required corresponding advances in research methods to investigate child language. Modern linguistic theory has made far-reaching predictions about the course of language development, so children have become a critical testing ground for evaluating theoretical proposals. more...
Kenneth Pugh (簡歷)
- 美國耶魯大學漢斯金實驗室Haskins Laboratory主任
Understanding Language: Brain Imaging Studies of Spoken and Written Language Learning.
Converging evidence from modern neuroimaging studies indicates that in typically developing (TD) readers, skilled visual word reading (fluent decoding) in alphabetic languages involves the development of a largely left hemisphere (LH) circuitry with temporoparietal (TP), occipitotemporal (OT), inferior frontal, and sub-cortical components (Pugh et al. 2010). more...
Lin Chen 陳霖 (簡歷)
- 中國科學院院士
- 中國科學院生物物理研究所研究員
- 發展中世界科學院(TWAS)院士
- 中國認知科學學會理事長
Where to Begin?
Michael Rugg (簡歷)
- 美國德州大學達拉斯分校Center for Vital Longevity副主任
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory: A Perspective from FMRI.
Episodic memory – memory for unique events - is a core cognitive capacity. In this talk I will describe evidence from functional neuroimaging (fMRI) studies that sheds light on the neural networks that support the encoding and retrieval of episodic information, and how encoding and retrieval processes interact in support of episodic memory. more...
洪蘭 (簡歷)
- 中央大學認知與神經科學研究所教授兼任所長
Brain Science and Learning.
Ovid Tzeng 曾志朗 (簡歷)
- 中央研究院院士
- 中央研究院語言學研究所特聘研究員
- 發展中世界科學院(TWAS)院士
- 美國心理學會會士
A Lifetime of Enjoyable Reading: Self Reflection via Neuroimages.
The invention of writing systems, which enabled human to develop new types of cognitive activities, e.g., writing one's thought and reading others' mind, is a remarkable achievement of humankind. Basically, by utilizing the new tool, human created an additional "virtual" brain which took over some of the executive functions of the real brain. more...
謝仁俊 (簡歷)
- 陽明大學腦科學研究所特聘教授
Brain in Rest vs. Brain in Action: Neuroimaging for Neuroaesthetics.
Artistic training is a complex learning that requires the meticulous orchestration of sophisticated polysensory, motor, cognitive, and emotional elements of mental capacity to harvest an aesthetic creation. In this study, we investigated the architecture of the resting-state functional connectivity networks from professional painters, dancers and pianists. more...
李俊仁 (簡歷)
- 國家教育研究院測驗及評量研究中心主任
- 臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系副教授
Cognitive Neuroscience and Your Future.
In this talk, I will introduce several neuropsychological disorders and some interesting findings in cognitive neuroscience. The aims of this talk are two folds: Firstly, to illustrate that the development of cognitive neuroscience enhances the will-being of everyone. more...
郭文瑞 (簡歷)
- 陽明大學神經科學研究所副教授兼任所長
Chinese Character Processing in the Brain.
In languages using an alphabetic writing system, the mapping between orthography and phonology is relatively transparent. That is, the readers are allowed to spell or "assemble" correct pronunciation for most words by the grapheme-to-phoneme rules. In contrast, in a logographic writing system such as Chinese, the pronunciation of a character is largely opaque. more...
鄭仕坤 (簡歷)
- 中央大學認知與神經科學研究所副教授
A Concise Introduction to the Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory.
Memory helps make who we are, but how much do we know about memory? Extensive behavioral, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging data indicate that memory is not a unitary system. The encoding, retention, and retrieval of information are achieved by multiple processes supported by dissociable neural substrates. more...


孫以瀚 (簡歷)
- 國科會副主委
- 中央研究院分子生物研究所特聘研究員
The Era of Brain and Future Development in Science and Technology.


吳嫻 (簡歷)
- 中央大學認知與神經科學研究所副教授
Cognitive Neuroscience and Law.

張智宏 (簡歷)
- 中央大學認知與神經科學研究所副教授
柯立偉 (簡歷)
- 交通大學生物科技系所助理教授
Brain Computer Interface and Cognitive Neuroscience.


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