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Dr. Steve Hamburg
- 美國紐約環境保衛基金會首席科學家
- 紐約州卡里生態系統研究所兼職科學家
- 布朗大學兼任教師
What is an ecologist doing talking about solar radiation management? – the role of ecology in solving environmental challenges
With the dramatic increase in world population and the development of new technologies that provide so many benefits to humanity we are faced by unprecedented changes in ecological systems. more...
Dr. Todd Oakley
- 美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校生態演化與海洋生態學教授
Let there be light!  The evolutionary origins of animal vision
The evolutionary histories of complex traits are complicated because such traits are comprised of multiple integrated and interacting components, which may have different individual histories. more...
Dr. Norihiro Okada 岡田典弘
- 日本東京工業大學大學院生命理工學研究科暨分子進化實驗室教授
Mammalian evolution and its link to geological events
SINEs stands for short interspersed elements, one of retroposons that can amplify themselves in the genomes. SINEs was originally thought to be selfish genetic elements and not functional, and their insertion sites are random during evolution. more...
Dr. Steve Running
- 美國蒙大拿大學森林學院Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG)董事教授兼主任
- 2007 年諾貝爾和平獎--聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)受獎人代表之ㄧ
The role of the global carbon cycle in climate dynamics: Why CO2 emission rates must be reduced?
Human activities add roughly 8.8 Pg of carbon to the global carbon cycle each year, and about 4.1 Pg remains in the atmosphere, causing the CO2 concentration of air to increase from 318ppm in 1958, to 394ppm today. more...
- 台灣大學森林環境暨資源學系副教授
森林資源的保育與利用 (尖端課題介紹與討論主持人)
- 台灣大學動物學研究所教授
Darwin's journey revisited - a contemporary view of evolution and ecology
Darwin's theory of evolution was made known by the publication of "On the Origin of Species." The idea of such was nurtured during his well-known "the Beagle expedition". more...
- 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心助研究員
Genetics of social behaviors in fire ants
The fire ant Solenopsis invicta is characterized by a remarkable form of social polymorphism, with the presence of one or several queens per colony being completely associated with allelic variation at a single Mendelian factor marked by the gene Gp-9. more...
- 國家衛生研究院特聘研究員
- 中央研究院院士
- 吳大猷基金會董事長
- 中央研究院物理研究所特聘研究員
- 中央研究院學術諮詢總會執行秘書
李文雄 (Wen-Hsiung Li) 院士
- 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心特聘研究員兼主任
- 美國芝加哥大學生態與演化學系講座教授
- 2003年義大利巴仁獎Genetics and Evolution獎項得主
- 2009年獲頒孟德爾獎章
- 中央研究院院士
- 美國國家科學院院士
Evolution, Biodiversity and Practical Applications
I shall first explain how evolution can be studied at many levels, from the most basic level of DNA, through genes, proteins, genomes, phenotypes and finally to morphologies. more...
- 東海大學生命科學系教授
Diversity, plasticity and application of spider silks
Most biomaterials are inflexible and covary with development in animals. However, some biomaterials such as silk are secreted and exert functions external to the secretor, often in spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments. more...
- 台灣師範大學生命科學系教授
Powerful old disturbance vs. novel silent stress: effects of typhoons and acid deposition on ecosystems
Disturbance once viewed as occasional hiccups in the development of communities and ecosystems is now recognized as a key factor that characterizes the structure of ecosystem and have profound effect on long-term ecosystem function and dynamics. more...
- 國立自然科學博物館館長
- 台灣大學物理系暨天文物理研究所教授
- 吳大猷科學營執行長
- 台灣大學森林環境暨資源學系教授
森林資源的保育與利用 (尖端課題介紹與討論主持人)
張學文 教授
- 中山大學生物科學系教授
- 東聯化學總經理
產業發展與環保:以國光石化與三峽大壩為例 (尖端課題介紹與討論主持人)
- 中興大學應用經濟系特聘教授
產業發展與環保:以國光石化與三峽大壩為例 (尖端課題介紹與討論主持人)
- 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心研究員
氣候變遷與生態環境 (論壇引言人)
- 元智大學校長
- 清華大學材料科學工程學系教授
- 吳大猷基金會執行長
趙淑妙 教授
- 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心特聘研究員兼主任
氣候變遷與生態環境 (論壇引言人)
謝志豪 教授
- 台灣大學海洋研究所
- 生態學與演化生物學研究所副教授
Separating the effects of environmental variability from the impacts of fishing on the dynamics of fish populations is essential for sound fisheries management. Using 50-year-long fish time series data, we regard fishing as a treatment effect in a long-term ecological experiment. more...
謝蕙蓮 教授
- 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心研究員
- 逢甲大學水利工程與資源保育學系副教授
水資源的管理與利用 (尖端課題介紹與討論主持人)


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