When access the online journals, please be attention:

1. robotic or systematic download is not allowed

2. the person who downloads journals illegally will be fined

   the 1st illegal use : NT$2000

   the 2nd illegal use : NT$2000 * 2

    the 3rd illegal use : NT$4000 * 2

   --- and so on

3. the illegal user's email will be made public throughtout the institute

Agree      Disagree


Dear Colleagues,

     As the Court has not yet decided the contract with Elsevier ScienceDirect in 2017.
   If the required Elsevier Journal's articles are not available on the Elsevier website in 2017,
   Please try SDOS (http://sdos.ejournal.ascc.net/)
   (Note: Elsevier database from 1995 until the year of stopping order ).

   Or contact Mr. Su in the library, will help you to get from the other way. 
   (MAIL: suth@phys.sinica.edu.tw)