The physics library was founded in 1962 as an academically specialized library. Its mission is to provide a perfect research environment for colleagues who are affiliated with the institute and scholars from the physics community in Taiwan.

      As a part of the Institute of Physics, the institute director is automatically the head of the library. Under our director is a library committee which supervises and assists in policy making and daily affairs concerning the library. Members of the committee include research colleagues of the institute as well as full time librarians.

      The library is located on the 3rd floor of the physics building and has a total area of over 6,100 sq. ft. There are reserved areas for the users to read books, journals and other library materials as well as a room for displaying preprints and reprints from colleagues within the institute.

      For the fiscal year of 1998, the library has a total budget of NT8.5 million; 85% for journals and 15% for books.

   There are over 30,000 library books( including more than 15,000 bound volumes of journals) and about 300 journals. The subscribed journals cover a wide range of areas in physics, mathematics and applied sciences of which 18 are from mainland China. In recent year, the library has been increasing its collections at an annual rate of 700 new books and 1500 newly bound volumes of journals. The library is currently subscribing 200 plus journals. Besides books and journals, the library also has a collection of microfiche (with back issues of 32 journals) and four CD-ROM databases. All the above mentioned items are easily accessible to research members of institute as well as scholars within the physics community in Taiwan.