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Solid-state Physics (I)

Lecturer: Chang, Chia-Seng 張嘉升教授

Classroom: P101 Meeting Room, IoP, AS

Class hour: Every Tuesday, 09:10-12:00

On-line teaching link:
   Webex Meeting


Course Objectives

This course intends to equip students with some basic understanding about the current research in condensed matter physics. From the fundamental to more sophisticated phenomena, it covers a wide scope with emphasis on more conceptual building than the rigorous formulation. Students are required to have some quantum mechanics and statistical physics background, in order to digest the comprehensive content of this subject and appreciate its profound implication in today’s technological applications.


  1. Introductionto Solid State Physics, Editor by Charles Kittel, the 8th edition

  2. Condensed Matter Physics, Michael P. Marder (2000)

  3. Solid-State Physics, James Patterson and Bernard Bailey, the 2nd edition (2010)

  4. Solid-State Physics, Harald Ibach and Hans Luth, the 4th edition (2009)


Week Date Topic

Week 01


Introduction and General Guidelines

Week 02


Crystal Symmetries and Bindings (updated)

Week 03


Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction (updated)

Week 04


Electrons in Periodic Potentials (updated)

Week 05


Calculations of Energy Bands  (updated)

Week 06


Dynamics of Bloch Electrons (updated)

Week 07


Lattice Vibrations and Elasticity (updated)

Week 08


Midterm Written Exam (50%)

Week 09


Transport Phenomena

Week 10


Semiconductors (updated)

Week 11


Semiconductor Devices

Week 12



Week 13


Magnons and Magnetic Resonance

Week 14


Dielectrics and Ferroelectric

Week 15


Optical Properties of Solids

Week 16


Final Written Exam (50%)



Midterm Written Exam (50%)
Final Written Exam (50%)