Postdoctoral Fellow

Tung-Sheng Lo
Specialty: Low-dimensional Physics, Mesoscopic Electronic Transport, Low-temperature Experiment
TEL: +886-2-2789-8958
Email: tslo[a]
2001-2006 B.S., Physics, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
2008-2013 Ph.D., Physics, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
2013- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
(A) Journal Papers
  1. Yeh, K.-Y.; Lo, T.-S.; Wu, P. M.; Chang-Liao, K.-S.; Wang, M.-J. & Wu, M.-K. "Magnetotransport studies of Fe-Vacancy Ordered Fe4+δSe5 Nanowires," (accepted by PNAS)
  2. Wei, W.-Y.; Lo, T.-S.; Tang, C.-C.; Liang, C.-T.; Ling, D. C.; Chi, C. C.; Mou, C.-Y.; Newns, D. M.; Tsuei, C. C. & Chen, J.-C. “Edge-state-mediated collective charging effects in a gate-controlled quantum dot array Phys. Rev. B, 95, 155445 (2017)
  3. Lo, T.-S.; Lin, Y.; Wu, P. M.; Ling, D.-C.; Chi, C. C. & Chen, J.-C. “Mode Dependency of Quantum Decoherence Studied via an Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 080401 (2016)
  4. Lo, T.-S.; Lin, Y. & Chen, J.-C. “Spin-polarized currents in parallel coupled double quantum point contacts,” Phys. Rev. B, 85, 245416 (2012)
  5. Lo, S.-T.; Chen, K. Y.; Lin, T.; Lin, L.-H.; Luo, D.-S.; Ochiai, Y.; Aoki, N.; Wang, Y.-T.; Peng, Z. F.; Lin, Y.; Chen, J.; Lin, S.-D.; Huang, C. & Liang, C.-T. "Probing the onset of strong localization and electron–electron interactions with the presence of a direct insulator–quantum Hall transition," Solid State Commun., 150, 1902 - 1905 (2010)
  6. Luo, D.-S.; Lin, L.-H.; Su, Y.-C.; Wang, Y.-T.; Peng, Z. F.; Lo, S.-T.; Chen, K. Y.; Chang, Y.-H.; Wu, J.-Y.; Lin, Y.; Lin, S.-D.; Chen, J.-C.; Huang, C.-F. & Liang, C.-T. "A delta-doped quantum well system with additional modulation doping," Nanoscale Res. Lett., 6, 139 (2011)