通俗演講 Colloquium

2023/04/25(Tue)     15:00 -16:30    一樓演講廳 1F, Auditorium


Symmetry, topology, and properties of matter at non-equilibrium


廣野雄士教授 (亞太理論物理中心)

Prof. Yuji Hirono (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)


The concepts of symmetry and topology have proven to be invaluable tools for unraveling the intricacies of natural phenomena. They provide model-independent characterizations of physical systems that can be applied across a broad range of scales. Recent advances in the generalization of symmetry, such as higher-form symmetry, have expanded the scope of these concepts, enabling us to explore a wider
variety of natural phenomena. This talk will explore the usefulness of symmetry and topology in providing insight into the properties of physical systems across different scales, that include QCD matter, fracton phases, and chemical reaction networks.



演講語言 (Language): in English