

  1. 未經機械加工訓練合格者,嚴禁操作各項設備。
  2. 使用機械設備前請先檢查該設備是否正常,若發現設備故障,應立即通知精工室人員,嚴禁自行處理。
  3. 工具用畢應立即放回原處。
  4. 設備使用後應立即清理乾淨,以利他人使用。
  5. 精工室內各項工具借用、螺絲、零件及材料等之取用,請確實登記。
  6. 精工室內各項電源、設備,未經允許嚴禁擅自更動。
  7. 精工室對外開外時間為,上班日上午08:30~12:00、下午13:30~17:00


  1. 精工室內安全第一,嚴禁嘻鬧、暄譁、推擠、吸煙。
  2. 進入精工室請先觀察安全門、滅火器、醫藥箱等相關位置。
  3. 精工室內嚴禁穿拖鞋或打赤腳。
  4. 開動機械前應檢查刀具、工作物等是否擺放安全。
  5. 操作各項機器設備時,禁止打領帶或穿著?大衣服,以免發生危險。
  6. 操作轉動機具時嚴禁戴手套,以免被捲入,發生危險。
  7. 自行操作或他人操作機器時,切勿與之交談。
  8. 機械開動時不可離開崗位,嚴禁讓機器自行運轉,無人操控。
  9. 轉動中的機器或工具,切勿以手或身體試圖停止。
  10. 回轉中的機件和工作物均不得用手踫觸。
  11. 操作機器時一律戴上安全護目鏡,若噪音過大時則加戴耳罩。
  12. 清理機器時,切記先將電源關閉,待靜止後方可清理,地面上之切屑、油漬等也一併清理乾淨。
  13. 情緒焦慮不安或身體疲倦、精神不佳、注意力無法集中者,嚴禁操作各項機器,以免發生危險。

IoP Machine Shop Equipment Use and Safety Rules

Terms of use

  1. It is strictly forbidden to operate any equipment without passing the machining training.
  2. Please check whether the mechanical equipment functions well before use. If the equipment is out of order, please notify the staffs of the Machine Shop immediately and do not try to modify it by yourself.
  3. All tools should be returned to their original place after use.
  4. In order not to cause inconvenience to other users, the equipment should be cleaned after use.
  5. Please register before you use the tools, screws, mechanic parts and materials in the Machine Shop.
  6. All power supplies and equipment in the Machine Shop are prohibited from being changed without permission.
  7. The Machine Shop is open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00 on weekdays.

Safety Rules

  1. Safety first – It is strictly prohibited to play, make noise, smoke, push and pull others in the Machine Shop.
  2. When you enter the Machine Shop, observe the location of the safety door, fire extinguisher, and first-aid box first.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to wear slippers or walk barefoot in the Machine Shop.
  4. Check whether the tools or work objects are safely placed before starting the machine.
  5. When handling all kinds of machinery and equipment, it is forbidden to wear ties or oversized /loose clothes to avoid danger.
  6. Do not wear gloves when using the machine to avoid them being entangled and cause danger.
  7. Never talk with others when you or they are operating the machine.
  8. Do not leave when the machine is operating. It is strictly forbidden to let the machine run by itself unattended.
  9. Do not try to stop the machine, tool or work items by your hand or body.
  10. Do not touch the machine and work items when they are rotating.
  11. Always wear your safety goggles when operating the machine, and wear earmuffs if the noise is too loud.
  12. When cleaning the machine, remember to turn off the power first, and start to clean it after it is completely still. Please also clean away the chips and oil stains on the floor.
  13. To avoid danger, it is strictly forbidden to operate any machines if you are in poor physical or mental health (anxiety, physical fatigue, unable to concentrate, etc.)