
苗宗悰  Tzong-Tsong Miau

Email: ttmiau@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Tel : 02-2789-8933


陳冠銘 Chen, Kuan Ming

E-mail: midas@phys.sinica.edu.tw

Tel: 02-2789-8901

劉芳綺 Fang-Chi Liu

E-mail: lycopene@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Tel: 02-2789-8464


欲申請進入並使用無塵室設施,請先詳讀無塵室使用規則並填寫同意書,並聯絡劉芳綺 Fang-Chi Liu

To apply for access to and use of clean room equipment, please read the clean room rules and regulations, fill out the consent form, and contact Fang-Chi Liu


If the instrument user has not used the instrument for more than 3 months, in order to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument, it is necessary to contact the instrument manager again and have the manager re-examined.

無塵室使用規則 CleanroomRules

無塵室使用及付費同意書 Agreement

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