2024/06/14(Fri) 14:00 -16:00 五樓第一會議室 5F, 1st Meeting Room
Materials Innovation for Multivalent and Solid-state Batteries
Prof. Yan Yao (Electrical and Computer Engineering and Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston)Abstract
The global clean energy industry relies heavily on lithium-ion batteries. As electric vehicles and grid energy storage continue to gain market share, the United States is expected to increasingly rely on imported raw materials (nickel and lithium) for lithium-ion batteries due to the lack of domestic production. Therefore, innovative battery chemistry that goes beyond lithium-ion is needed, as well as the discovery and design of new materials that can be domestically produced to make safe, sustainable, fast-charging batteries at terawatt scale. In this seminar, I will begin with an overview of organic battery electrode materials made from abundant elements. I'll demonstrate how organic materials can offer unique advantages in magnesium and solid-state batteries. For Mg batteries, organic electrode materials address the challenge of sluggish divalent cation dissociation and diffusion through a heterogeneous enolization chemistry that involves carbonyl reduction. In solid-state batteries, soft organic crystals maintain intimate interfacial contact with solid electrolytes, even after thousands of cycles under low stacking pressure. I will also discuss a low-cost, easy-to-fabricate oxysulfide glass solid electrolyte that exhibits electrochemical stability against Na metal.
Speaker Instroduction
演講語言 (Language): in English