通俗演講 Colloquium

2024/02/20(Tue)     14:00 -16:00    一樓演講廳 1F, Auditorium


From the ground to space, from heavy-ion physics to cosmic rays


楊毅教授 (國立成功大學物理系)

Prof. Yi Yang (Department of Physics, NCKU)


In the past several decades, we had tremendous success in understanding our universe and how fundamental particles interact with each other. However, one of the most important remaining tasks in physics is to have deeper insights into the detailed behavior of the strong interaction (Quantum ChromoDynamics, QCD). Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory provides us rich phenomena of QCD, in particular a unique opportunity for us to study the QCD matter, Quark-Gluon plasma, which is created at extremely high energy density. On the other hand, there are many interesting and important results from the current cosmic ray experiments, particularly Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is the most powerful detector in space. In this talk, I will give an introduction on the heavy-ion program and status of the STAR experiment at RHIC and the update on the AMS-02 experiment. I will also talk about the plan for the future Electron-Ion Collider experiment.



演講語言 (Language): in English