專題演講 Seminar

2023/09/15(Fri)     11:00 -12:00    七樓研討室 7F, P7A Seminar Room


Cosmological models with arbitrary spatial curvature in the theory of gravity with non-minimal derivative coupling


Dr. Rafkat Galeev (Kazan Federal University)


Due to detailed analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) it is known that CMB is anisotropic. This observation allows us to assume that our universe was anisotropic on early stages of evolution. In this study, we consider cosmological models with non-minimal derivative coupling in anisotropic space background. We are focusing on analysis of Bianchi I, V, IX models in Bianchi classification, that allows us to study the influence of anisotropy on early and late stages of universe evolution. As a result, with numerical modeling we get inflation stage in all three models of Bianchi-type I, V, IX and isotropisation of universe at late stage of evolution.


演講語言 (Language): in English