Recent Research

Dr. Jason Chang’s group verified extension of the classical physics limit down to the nanometer range by measuring resonance frequencies of a carbon nanotube.

Post Date:2010-11-26

Research Fellow Jason Chang and his group have successfully positioned a single silver nanoparticle along the length of a carbon nanotube based resonator, and investigated the resonance frequency shift subject to the particle’s position. They found that a curve derived from the classical continuum model can fit well to their experimental data, implying the applicability of the analytical formula even in the nanometer range. They also used the finite element simulation to elicit the subtle frequency difference caused by the radial angle of nanoparticle’s position in reference to the vibrating plane of the resonator. This effect was found to have an insignificant correction to their measurement. This newest discovery, “Resonance frequency shift of a carbon nanotube with a silver nanoparticle adsorbed at various positions”, has been published in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97, 133105 (2010).

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