Constraining kaon PDFs from Drell-Yan and 𝐽∕𝜓 production
Wen-Chen Chang, Jen-Chieh Peng, Stephane Platchkov, Takahiro Sawada Physics Letter B 855, 138820 (2024)
Pion and kaon are Nambu-Goldstone bosons of the strong interaction. The kaon parton distribution functions (PDFs) are poorly known due to paucity of kaon-induced Drell-Yan data. We extend the study of the sensitivity of the J/psi production data to the kaon PDFs. Through the comparison of the fixed-target DY and J/psi data of K/pi ratios, we show that the J/psi data possess strong constraining power on the kaon PDFs. The existing data strongly favor two kaon PDFs which contain significant large-x gluon. This work provides interesting and pioneering information on the kaon PDFs.

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