Large Optical Modulation of Dielectric Huygens’ Metasurface Absorber
Dr. Kung-Hsuan Lin at IoPAS and Prof. Kuo-Ping Chen at NTHU led groups to demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that modulation depth is enhanced by two orders of magnitude in Huygens' metasurface absorber where electric dipole lattice resonance matches the magnetic dipole resonance. Within picosecond scale delay after ultrafast photoexcitation and a few square micrometer spatial confinement, over 100% photothermal modulation depth is experimentally achieved in Huygens' metasurface absorber based on amorphous silicon. These Mie-type optical resonators are applicable to all-optical modulation. This work was published in Advanced Optical Materials (2023, Issue 10) and featured in its inside front cover.
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