Diffuse boosted dark matter background from all galaxies in the Universe
Dr. Yen-Hsun Lin and Meng-Ru Wu from the Institute of Physics have considered a novel component of the diffuse boosted dark matter (DBDM) driven by all past supernova explosions that happened in the Universe. This DBDM, akin to the renowned diffuse supernova neutrino background, offers a new perspective in dark matter detection. Our analysis reveals that DBDM not only can provide improved sensitivities to probe the unknown nature of DM with just a few years of exposure time from the upcoming neutrino experiment Hyper-Kamiokande compared to earlier studies, but also proves robust against uncertainties originated from the dark matter profiles in different galaxies. This work also highlights a new way to utilize our understanding of astrophysical transients to probe the fundamental particle physics. The study has been published in Physical Review Letters on September 13, 2024.

Journal Links: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.111004