
Demonstration of robust quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) in macroscopic and 3D ferromagnetic topological insulator system

Post Date:2014-09-27

Anomalous Hall effect refers to the phenomenon of linear proportionality between the anomalous Hall resistance and its magnetic moment in a magnetic system. In normal magnetic metal and semiconductor, there is no universal value for the anomalous Hall resistance. Nevertheless, in a ferromagnetic topological insulator (FM TI) under zero external magnetic field, the Dirac surface states, originating from the non-trivial bulk band topology, attain different effective masses on different surfaces. This results in a dissipationless chiral edge channel forming at the Dirac fermion mass domain-wall and gives rise to the quantization of the anomalous Hall resistance. In a recent international collaborating work led by Dr. Wei-Li Lee, Dr. Ting-Kuo Lee at IoP and Prof. K.L. Wang at UCLA USA, this effect was further demonstrated in a macroscopic and 3D FM TI. This may provide a new direction for resolving the heat dissipation problem in electronics using dissipationless chiral edge channel in a topological material. Detailed experimental results have been recently published in Physical Review Letters.


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WebSite: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.137201

WebSite: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.137201

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