TIGP International Internship Program
Academia Sinica lunches the TIGP International Internship Program (TIGP-IIP) which is designated to provide visiting students with an opportunity to become familiar with the research environment and graduate programs of Academia Sinica. International applicants with diverse science background are encouraged to obtain hands-on research experience under the supervision of TIGP’s well-established researchers. Hopefully, the experience would motivate interested students to consider careers in science-related disciplines and choose TIGP for their Ph.D. studies.
Outline of the International Internship Program
This program typically takes place during July and August. However the dates can be changed by the host PI upon request. Ideally, the qualified intern will be hosted by the PI of his or her choice. At the end of the internship, interns are required to submit a report and/or give a presentation about their research projects. Upon completion of each intern’s project, an evaluation report will be filed by the host scientist, which may later serve as a supportive document towards application for admission to TIGP.
- Important dates / Timeline:
Application opens: 1st January, 2017
The deadline to submit applications: February 28th, 2017
Announcement of Results: Last week of March or first week of April 2017
Duration: Standard Program (2 months): 1st July~ 31st August 2017
Early start |
1st May~30th June, 2017 |
1st June~31st July, 2017 |
Standard Program |
1st July~31st August 2017 |
About Nano Science and Technology Program
Faculty List
The faculty members are composed of Academia Sinica (four institutes), National Taiwan University (two departments and one center), and National Tsing Hua University (one department).
National Taiwan University |
National Tsing Hua University |
Research Topics
- Characterization of Nanomaterials/Nanostructures
- Characterization of nanostructures
- Theoretical Modeling
- Exploration of Nanodevices
- Nano-biotechnology
Address: Institute
, Academia Sinica
, No.128, Sec. 2,
Academia Rd.
Taipei 115