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Talks & speakers:
·        Courses:
o   The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and lattice quantum chromodynamics
by Laurent Lellouch (CNRS and Aix-Marseille Univ.)
o   The multdimensional structure of the nucleon from GTMDs, GPDs and TMDs
by Barbara Pasquini (Pavia Univ.)
·        Topical talks:
o   Lattice computation for the QCD Lambda parameter
by Issaku Kanamori (Hiroshima Univ.)
o   3D tomography by generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational-interaction radius for pion
by Shunzo Kumano (KEK/J-PARC)
o   Parton distribution function with nonperturbative renormalization from lattice QCD
by Yong Zhao (MIT)
o   Mini-review of experimental results on TMDs
by Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica)
Organizing committee:
         Wen-Chen Chang (Academia Sinica)
         Chung-Wen Kao (Chung-Yuan Christian University)
         C.-J. David Lin (National Chiao-Tung University)
Ms. Jingxuan Su <jingxuan@phys.sinica.edu.tw> (AS secretary)