Nanobioscience Lab Institute of Physics Academia Sinica

Project Areas

1) Single molecule tug-of-war and the entropic recoiling of DNA from micro- to nanofluidic interfaces

2) Elastic force of DNA in nano-confined environments

3) Single molecule studies of filamentous RecA/DNA complex with magnetic tweezers and advanced fluorescence microscopy in microfluidic devices

4) Bacterial cytoskeletal oscillators


POSTAL ADDRESS: 周家復老師實驗室 中央研究院物理所 北市115南港區研究院路二段128號 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang District, Taipei 11529, Taiwan. PHONE: 886-2-2789-6761 Office / 886-2-2789-8447/ 8908 Lab. FAX: +886-2-2651-0704 E-mail contact: