Nanobioscience Lab Institute of Physics Academia Sinica
  • Veeco BioScope II AFM - Olympus TIRFM:
    TIRF microscopy make use of the evanescent wave generated by the total internal reflection of the incident laser. Because of the exponential decay of evanescent wave, excitation of fluorophores are limited within 100nm and thus significantly reduces the fluorescence background.
    TIRF has the advantage to observe multiple fluorescent single molecules simultaneously.
    The combination of AFM is designed to acquire topographical and mechanical information or manipulation and relocate molecules
  • Confocal TCSPC – 2 photon fluorescence microscopy system:

  • Andor-JY spectrophotometer system


  • Magnetic tweezers


  • Interference lithography:


  • Automated Inverted Fluorescence Microscopy:


  • STED (under construction)

  • AS Nano core facility:

POSTAL ADDRESS: 周家復老師實驗室 中央研究院物理所 北市115南港區研究院路二段128號 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang District, Taipei 11529, Taiwan. PHONE: 886-2-2789-6761 Office / 886-2-2789-8447/ 8908 Lab. FAX: +886-2-2651-0704 E-mail contact: