通俗演講 Colloquium

2018/11/20(Tue)     14:00 -16:00    一樓演講廳 1F, Auditorium


Neutrino mass and dark energy constraints by the observation of lensing effect due to Large Scale Structure of the Universe


Prof. Toshifumi Futamase (Department of Astrophysics and Atomspheric Science, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan)


Any cosmological observation suffers from the lensing effect by large scale structure of the Universe. The lensing effect is thus a kind of noise in the detremination of the cosmological parameters. However, at the same time, it brings us important informations of Large scale structure as well as background geometry of the universe once we have an accurate knowledge of the efect.
In this talk we consider the lensing effect on the magnitude-redshift relation of Type Ia supenovae to derive interesting constraints (informations) on dark energy parameter and nuetrino mass using the expevted data by future optical imaging survey with LSST and WFIRST.
We also mention that future gravitational wave observation of high-z NS-NS (NS-BH) binaries will dramatically increase the constraints.

Poster Download: http://real.sinica.edu.tw:8080/ramgen/phys/20181120_ToshifumiFutamase.mp4


演講語言 (Language): in English