專題演講 Seminar

2018/05/25(Fri)     11:00 -12:30    七樓研討室 7F, P7F Seminar Room


Ab initio nuclear structure and symplectic symmetry


Prof. Mark A. Caprio (Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame)


Atomic nuclei are highly-correlated, nonperturbative quantum many-body systems.
A rich variety of collective phenomena emerge from the correlations in the
nuclear many-body wave function, from pair condensation and superfluidity to the
formation of tightly-bound cluster substructures within the nucleus. A
successful theoretical description of these phenomena must encompass multi-scale
physics, involving interactions and correlations at multiple length, momentum,
and energy scales.

Our goal in an ab initio (that is, "from the beginning") theoretical treatment
of nuclei is to predict nuclear phenomena, in quantitative detail, starting from
the underlying physics of the internucleon interactions. However, as we
consider nuclei with larger numbers of nucleons, and as we attempt to improve
the resolution of the treatment, the dimension of the many-body problem rapidly
explodes and becomes intractible. We must therefore seek out approaches which
allow us to efficiently describe the correlations in the nuclear many-body wave

This talk will provide an introduction to ab initio nuclear theory in the
no-core configuration interaction (NCCI) framework. We will explore the
emergence of symplectic symmetry in the nuclear wave function.


演講語言 (Language): in English