專題演講 Seminar

2017/10/24(Tue)     16:00 -17:00    六樓P6G會議室 6F, P6G Meeting Room


Network of Physicists In the 20th Century


楊會杰 教授 (上海理工大學管理學院)

Prof. Huijie Yang (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)


In the book entitled “Twentieh Century Physics” the authors introduce in detail the important progresses of the branches in physics, especially the contributions of the most important physicists .In the present work we construct a link if two physicists co-occur in an identical section of a chapter, all the physicists occurring in every chapter will be linked into a network. It is reasonable to assume that two linked scientists work in the same field. From the position of a physicist on the network we evaluate its importance.What is more, the networks correspond to the successive
chapters form a temporal network, in which the nodes and links (and subsequently the network structure) change with time. From the temporal network, one can monitor the characteristic change of cooperation, which may reflect the interplay of investigation mode and social/economical/technical/ development.


演講語言 (Language): in English