專題演講 Seminar

2017/03/29(Wed)     14:00 -15:30    七樓研討室 7F, P7F Seminar Room


What would an astronomical black hole look like on its event horizon scale?


卜宏毅 博士 (中研院天文及天文物理所)

Dr. Hung-Yi Pu (Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica)


As predicted by the theory of general relativity, a black hole can cast a "shadow" when it is surrounded by luminous, optically thin materials, such as accretion flow or jets. In the coming years, via the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VBLI) at millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelength, it is possible to resolve such shadows of the supermassive black holes at our Galactic center (Sgr A*) and at the center of M87. The black hole shadow images can reveal several important features of the accreting black hole system, providing valuable information of the background spacetime, black hole properties (black hole mass and black hole spin), and the environment (e.g., accretion dynamics and geometry, jet launching site and jet formation mechanism, etc.). Currently, ASIAA is devoting to this exciting area by joining the project of Event Horizon Telescope and leading the project of the Greenland Telescope. In this talk, overviews of these two exciting projects and the black hole shadow features will be given.


演講語言 (Language): in English