專題演講 Seminar

2016/12/16(Fri)     11:00 -12:30    七樓研討室 7F, P7F Seminar Room


Charmless Two-body B decays in Factorization Assisted Topological Amplitude Approach


呂才典 教授 (中國科學院高能物理研究所)

Prof. Cai-Dian Lü (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


We analyze charmless two-body non-leptonic B decays under the framework of factorization assisted topological amplitude approach. Compared with the conventional flavor diagram approach, we consider flavor SU(3) breaking effect assisted by factorization hypothesis for topological diagram amplitudes of different decay modes, factorizing out the corresponding decay constants and form factors. The non-perturbative parameters of topology diagram magnitudes χ and strong phase ϕ are universal that can be extracted by χ2 fit from current abundant experimental data of charmless B decays. The number of free parameters and the χ2 per degree of freedom are both reduced comparing with previous analysis. With these best fitted parameters, we predict branching fractions and CPasymmetry parameters of nearly 100 Bu,d and Bs decay modes. The long-standing ππ and πK-CPpuzzles are resolved simultaneoulsy.


演講語言 (Language): in English