2016/12/14(Wed)     14:00 -15:30    一樓演講廳 1F, Auditorium


The Magical Things of Nanotechnology: from the Darkest Material to a Super-Planckian Radiation


林尚佑 教授 (美國壬色列理工學院物理學、應用物理學和天文學系)

Prof. Shawn-Yu Lin (Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)


The field of nano-photonics and in particular, photonic-crystal, has become one of the most influential and wide-ranging realms of contemporary electro-magnetism and optics. In this talk, I will review two recent advances in random and periodic nanostructures, respectively. The first is the creation of the darkest artificial material on earth, having a world-record absorptance of 99.97%1,2. The second is the striking discovery of super Planckian thermal radiation in a 3D metallic photonic-crystal at elevated temperatures 3,4.
1. Zu-Po Yang, Lijie Ci, James A. Bur, Shawn-Yu Lin, and P.M. Ajayan “A vertically aligned carbon nanotube array: the darkest manmade material”, Nano Letters 8, 446 (2008).
2. Zu-Po Yang, Mei-Li Hsieh, James A. Bur, Lijie Ci, Leonard M. Hanssen, Boris Wilthan, P.M. Ajayan and Shawn-Yu Lin, “Experimental observation of extremely weak optical scattering from an interlocking carbon nanotube array”, Applied Optics 50, 1850 (2011).
3. J.G. Fleming, S. Y. Lin, I. El-Kady, R. Biswas and K.M. Ho, “All-metallic 3D photonic crystals with a large photonic band-gap” Nature 417, 52-55 (2002).
4. Mei-Li Hsieh, Shawn-Yu Lin, J. Bur and R. Shenoi, “Experimental observation of anomalous thermal radiation: quasi-equilibrium limit”, Nanotechnology 26, 234002 (2015).
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Award_in_Nanotechnology


演講語言 (Language): in English